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STREAM-INN Indipendent living space for physically disabled people

Stream-inn is a motivating, ergonomic and accesible living space that provides a comfortable living space for 7-40 years-old wheelchaired people. Design aims an indipendent, safe and enjoyable daily life for physically disabled people at home, enabling them to do everything smoothly and without need of asistance. Workstation module is designed considering mobility limitations of wheelchaired people. A specialised streaming form of the table eliminates sharp corners that may hurt in case of accidential bumps. Resting module is not only designed for sleeping, but also it provides an easy leisure space for reading, watching or listening activities. Wardrobe Module is designed considering accesibility limitations of wheelchaired people. User may drive inside the wardrobe and reach his hanging clothes with ease.

OrganizationChamber of Interior Architects of TürkiyeYear2006PrizeThird PrizeShare